CCPF Investments

The Cook County Pension Fund’s (CCPF) mission is to optimize the risk-adjusted return of the portfolio using prudent principles of investment management and portfolio diversification. The Investment Department works with independent, professional investment managers and investment consultants to achieve this goal.

Return Objectives of the Fund

  • Preserve the safety of principal;
  • Perform above the Fund's policy benchmark consistent with prudent levels of risk; and
  • Create a stream of investment returns to ensure the systematic and adequate funding of actuarially determined benefits through contributions and professional management of fund assets.

Together with CCPF staff and the investment consultant Callan Associates, the Retirement Board oversees the investment strategy through ongoing study of the portfolio structure, return assumptions, and projected funding needs to support benefits for members like you.

Emerging Investment Manager Program

CCPF, through its investment management activities, seeks to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns to meet the performance and funding requirements, and recognizes that exposure to Emerging Investment Managers can be a beneficial component of a well-diversified portfolio. Consistent with the CCPFs long-standing commitment to the use of Emerging Investment Managers and in support of public policy as declared in the Illinois Pension Code [40 ILCS 5/1-109.1], the Retirement Board seeks to be inclusive of Emerging Investment Managers throughout its investment activities. The Retirement Board has adopted policy guidelines as a framework in establishing the operational guidelines and procedures of the Emerging Investment Manager Program as well as goals to increase the use of Emerging Investment Managers.

For further discussion regarding the Emerging Manager Investment program, please refer to Emerging Managers.

Investment Manager Selection and Procurement

The strategy of the Retirement Board is to achieve superior long-term rates of return through the use of a diversified investment portfolio. The Retirement Board engages various Investment Managers to implement this strategy. CCPF has adopted a proposal and selection process that promotes competitive standards, objective evaluation, and transparency for the procurement of investment management services.

For further discussion regarding procurement procedures, please refer to Procurement.

CCPF Investments in the News