Prescription Drugs

Pharmacy benefits are an important part of your health benefits, and it pays to learn how to reduce your co-pays by using generics.

Pharmacy coverage is automatically included with enrollment in any of Cook County Pension Fund’s (CCPF) medical plans. CCPF makes these benefits available through CVS/Caremark. You must fill all prescriptions for maintenance medications with a 90-day supply at a CVS retail location or through Caremark mail order service. All other medications can be filled at any retail drug store for up to a 30-day supply.

Non-Medicare Retirees
2023 Prescription Drug Co-pays 

1-888-752-7231 |

Prescription Co-pays

30-Day Supply at Retail Pharmacy

90-Day Supply at CVS or Caremark Mail Order




Preferred Brand



Non-Preferred Brand



Medicare-eligible Retirees
2023 Prescription Drug Co-pays

 1-877-878-1670 |

Download and complete the Request for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Determination Form

Prescription Co-pays

30-Day Supply at Retail Pharmacy

90-Day Supply at CVS or Caremark Mail Order

90-Day Supply at Non-CVS Pharmacy





Preferred Brand




Non-Preferred Brand


